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Reprisal : Making Plans, Making Memories Sam Lang

Debut efforts are fun reads for me; I really enjoy them. Sam Lang’s though, is one of the best I have read in a while. Did you get a chance to read his guest post a few days back?  I really enjoyed it. For me it showcased his ability to ratchet up the tension as time goes on. I know I am a few steps ahead in this story than you because I have gotten an advanced read on the material, but it is one tense series. As good as the first offering is, the rest of them just keep getting better and…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 27, 2011 at 9:13pm — No Comments

"The Time of Eddie Noel" REceives Honorable Mention from ForeWord Magazine!

Congratulations to Al Povall, author of "The Time of Eddie Noel"! His book just received an Honorable mention in the True Crime Category at their Book of the Year Awards! 


In January, 1954, about eighteen months prior to young Emmett Till’s murder, and only forty miles away, a young black man named Eddie Noel shot and killed a white honky-tonk operator named Willie Ramon Dickard.  The killing took place in southwest Holmes County, Mississippi, a place drenched with violence…


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Added by Jason Huddle on June 27, 2011 at 5:52pm — No Comments

Why All The Questions?

Happy Monday morning to everybody! I hope that everybody wakes up and punches the day right in the face and gets off to the excellent start that you want. What is the gist of this Monday mornings rant? The Author’s Lab/Collaboration series is. I have been fortunate to receive a number of questions as to what is going on with it and where is it we are going?

Here is what I can tell you right now: The next installment for this week is a truly amazing read from Mark Miller,…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 27, 2011 at 3:40pm — No Comments

On writing – What's Your Point of View? By Cynthia Vespia

When starting a new novel there are an infinite amount of questions to ask yourself. Other than plot, characters, world building and the like you have to find out what point-of-view you will be leading from. If you're not familiar with POV I suggest you do your homework. In a nutshell it means what voice are you writing in. Are you speaking from the lead characters POV by speaking in his/her voice as you tell their story? Or will it be a narration delivering the story in third-person as you…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 27, 2011 at 1:32pm — No Comments

The Hero in All of Us

Most of the characters in my scifi novel are people I grew up with or became friends with in real life.  This made describing the characters in the book eaiser.  I know how my friends would react in different situations, what they would say or how their body would move during a conversation.

Now my friends might not like the responsiblity I put on them in my award wining scifi novel, traveling to another planet and training to fight the aliens that invaded earth but..., well I'm the…


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Added by Matt T. Schott on June 27, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

New Life For Immortality

Spiffy title hunh? Came to me in Church this morning, totally Divine intervention, besides I know by now most don’t think I am smart enough to come up with it on my own, hahaha. What is crawling around in my head on this subject?  Pretty simple stuff really. Werner Lind, author of a few vampire stories, has dropped an e-version of his full length novel ,“Lifeblood”.   My point is that this title is starting to finally move after laying fallow for so many years as just a…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 26, 2011 at 5:49pm — No Comments


I'm writing a novel.

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Added by Angirson Alejandro Lopez on June 26, 2011 at 12:25am — No Comments

Angelique LaFontaine The Matriarch

Good morning on this nice Saturday morning. Just to recap a few things from the week, this author, Angelique LaFontaine had dropped in a guest post on my blog, Gelati’s Scoop; just go back into the archives and give it a gander. On my blogtalk radio show The G-ZONE we had some really interesting and engaging interviews: John Dedakis, C.P. White,  Estavan Vega, Cody Toye, Loree Lough and Laurie Bowler; feel free to go back and give them a…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 25, 2011 at 5:16pm — No Comments

Sam Lang Guest Post

This is the start?

In that case, I should thank Trestle Press for publishing Reprisal and thanks to the G-Man for putting me on his blog.

I don’t like to talk about myself, but I will tell you about Reprisal.

Making Plans, Making Memories is the first installment in the story of a dying town haunted by a Shadow. It is the introduction of our main character, Eddie, and his long-time friend Police Chief Canton. They are preparing a questionable plan to have a bus of…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 25, 2011 at 2:54pm — No Comments

MIchael Koryta The Ridge

I enjoy lighthouses, my wife even more than I. We like to visit them whenever and wherever we are. The one in this story though, no thanks we will pass on it. I am a big fan of Michael Koryta and his writing.  Revisiting his detective series is something I am holding out for though, each time there is more news from his camp, I am hopeful. Okay it’s a Friday, we have a pretty hot blogtalk show to do in a little bit, let’s get to the action and then chat a little on what is between the…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 25, 2011 at 1:08am — No Comments

Fangs, Inc. Laurie Bowler The Author's Lab/ Collaboration Series

Good morning to everyone and welcome to TGIF. I have much going on here so let’s get right to it, shall we? Laurie Bowler will be my guest today along with Lorre Lough on The G-ZONE, my blogtalk radio show, starting at 4pm EST. I also have two more posts coming at you today: Michael Koryta’s “The Ridge” and J.W. Baccaro’s “Siege of Darkness”.  To today;s  post Fangs, Inc. ! Laurie Bowler is the lead author in this latest installment of the series. It is a fun, straight…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 24, 2011 at 7:56pm — No Comments

Siege of Darkness J.W. Baccaro

Did anybody notice there is a half- naked man on the cover of this novel? I did and thought hey, maybe a flaming skull’s head could have gone there instead, I could do it no problem. The gist of this though isn’t the cover; it is the content that is king. Here is what you can expect to find inside:

“  Tragedy strikes Zithel, and the city of monks goes up in flames. The Earth-Wizard Mazarian has disappeared, and the army of Asgoth has taken back the Wizard Crystals of the Elements,…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 24, 2011 at 5:27pm — No Comments

The anti-hero hero

Over on my blog I wrote some thoughts on fiction's anti-hero hero.  Go over and take a look.  See if you agree with me.  Or not.  Find it here:

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Added by B.R. Stateham on June 24, 2011 at 3:57pm — No Comments

Coloring in my Scifi Novel


I'm at the "coloring in stage" of my sequel to Lord Skyler and The Earth Defense Force.   The name of the sequel is The Universe Calls.

The coloring stage is where I read through a scene and I freeze the moment and look around the room that the characters are in.  I see everything that is in the room, some of it I'll end up describing. 

Sometimes I'll look for something in the room that brings up a memory for the…


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Added by Matt T. Schott on June 24, 2011 at 12:25pm — No Comments

Coloring in my Scifi Novel


I'm at the "coloring in stage" of my sequel to Lord Skyler and The Earth Defense Force.   The name of the sequel is The Universe Calls.

The coloring stage is where I read through a scene and I freeze the moment and look around the room that the characters are in.  I see everything that is in the room, some of it I'll end up describing. 

Sometimes I'll look for something in the room that brings up a memory for the…


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Added by Matt T. Schott on June 24, 2011 at 12:24pm — No Comments

Coloring in my Scifi Novel


I'm at the "coloring in stage" of my sequel to Lord Skyler and The Earth Defense Force.   The name of the sequel is The Universe Calls.

The coloring stage is where I read through a scene and I freeze the moment and look around the room that the characters are in.  I see everything that is in the room, some of it I'll end up describing. 

Sometimes I'll look for something in the room that brings up a memory for the…


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Added by Matt T. Schott on June 24, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

New FREE Service! has launched BlueTwister design, a new free logo design service for it's clients and partners!


P.S.  It's free to be a client or partner =p

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Added by Justin Bailey on June 24, 2011 at 2:43am — No Comments

How Do You Get 16 from 6?

The answer is real simple to this one, folks. You do not have to have a degree in jet propulsion in astro physics to grasp the concept here. The gameplan is as such: The Author’s Lab/ Collaboration series is going to be a weekly thing; there is no doubt on that. If you have paid any attention at all to this series you will have found out that not only are they a quality read but that they are climbing in ranking on Amazon Kindle. “Down Low- Dead” the first in the…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 24, 2011 at 1:01am — No Comments

The Edge of Cataclysmic Big Daddy Abel The Author's Lab/Collaboration

Who has the desire to tackle the subject of global warming and just kick it in its teeth? Who has the ability to not only do that, but back it up with it up with a soon to be released follow-up that has possible solutions on not just a world wide scale but on an individual one? Why that author would be Big Daddy Abel, he of the highly rated and also Number 1 “Open Mic”  series (in its Amazon Kindle category for sales, Open Mic volume One is #1,Volume  Two is #2, and…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 23, 2011 at 8:02pm — No Comments

Throwing Dice On A Chessboard Christos Rodoulla Tsiailis

To say that this is an interesting piece of work to read is an understatement. I am not a deep thinker, nor do I feel that is going to change anytime soon, so it is my guess that much of the deep meaning and symbolism used is way, way over my head. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy this read; that just means if my I.Q. was a bit higher I would have understood more of what was going on here. This is a serious set of short stories, and let’s not lose sight of the fact that English is not the…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 23, 2011 at 3:46pm — No Comments

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