Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Hi All,
I've recently joined and I'm so excited about being a part of the community. I'm the author of the Evolution Trilogy, a YA Fantasy trilogy about angels and demons, not in the biblical sense, but in the we-evolved-from-humans sense! The first book is called Angel Evolution, see below for a synopsis. It's available on Amazon in print and anywhere e-books are sold :)
Angel Evolution Synopsis
The first book in the young adult fantasy trilogy: The…
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Added by David Estes on January 18, 2012 at 11:11pm —
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I'm Ged. I have just joined up.
I'm not sure what it's all about, but really what I'm looking for is some sort of re-action to my efforts at writing a novel. It is the next logical thing to do after recording in excess of 105000 words. I need to know whether its a load of old drivel or if there is any merit in my creation.
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Added by Gerald Daldry on January 18, 2012 at 3:26pm —
Well, in the UK it's nearly 6 pm and the old brainpan is starting to give up the ghost.
Today has been an exciting day, as I've been taking part in Steve Norris' plan for ebook promotion. It's gone well. At one point I was #45 in Historical fiction in the UK and my US numbers are improving constantly.
Indie authors often receive a bad press, we are publishing in a new environment and often those who have conventional publishing contracts are…
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Added by Sarah Luddington on January 17, 2012 at 6:50pm —
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I can't quite believe it. One year in the writing of this story and I was finally able today to type the words THE END on my second book. I now feel like a writer. It shouldn't have taken a year to write but if you work for a living then writing has to play second fiddle to life's priorities. But still a year is ok.
It's a remarkable feeling to finally grasp the end of the story. To know that the story has a beginning, middle and an end. That the idea you started out with, might have…
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Added by Steve Norris on January 17, 2012 at 8:49am —
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It's a relief to complete a manuscript, especially one you've worked on for 2 years and 3 months. Since I've been writing I learned you have to write, and rewrite, and re-rewrite your manuscript to check for typos, book flow, and to make your work better.
As a writer I share a common feeling of satisfaction when I've completed a manuscript for editing. But that doesn't mean the work stops there. There are manuscript changes to accept or delete, book covers to work on, marketing your…
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Added by David Lucero on January 17, 2012 at 12:17am —
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I had my first venture into the High Street today armed with my book in the hope of persuading Waterstones and Smiths to order copies of Whispers on the Wind, and hopefully allow me to do a book signing.
I am not good at promoting myself and found the task very daunting. Waterstones were pleasant but the manager who deals with this wasn't there. So, I left my business card with a copy of Whispers on the Wind, took the name of the person concerned and have instructions to call back in…
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Added by Elizabeth Spear on January 16, 2012 at 5:52pm —
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Those who follow me on FB will already know if they've looked, but yesterday I finished book four in the Knights of Camelot series. Yeah me!
One good thing about knowing the characters so well , it certainly comes fast when it happens. It's just hitting those right notes and all of a sudden you have a symphony in your head. Poor Lancelot, I've torn him a part so many times but I firmly believe he's a better man for the experience....
...or am I beginning to sound like his…
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Added by Sarah Luddington on January 16, 2012 at 3:59pm —
Q1: Thanks for participating in our Spotlight Interview series, Stacy! Please introduce yourself and your book to help our readers get to know you.
I write using the name of Stacy Eaton. Due to my profession, I felt it necessary to be a bit quiet about who I really am. The first book that I wrote is called “My Blood Runs Blue”. It is a suspenseful Paranormal Romance set in a small township. The main character is a police officer who is investigating…
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Added by SpotlightInterviews on January 16, 2012 at 9:00am —
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Added by Sam Lang on January 15, 2012 at 8:00pm —
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Trestle Press's BOGO sale is in full swing. There are so many reasons to take advantage of the sale, but here are two great ones:
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Added by Mark Miller on January 15, 2012 at 6:42pm —
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Thanks to Trestle Press, volume 3 of my Amish Journey is now available.
You can get "The Barn Incident" at this link:…
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Added by George Michael Loughmueller on January 15, 2012 at 5:56pm —
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My first published book is 'Now Just Listen' published by Mirador in the UK and available as a download for Amazon's Kindle. It's a humorous account (partly fictionalised) of my 3 years at a teacher training college in the 1960s. I had left an all boys grammar school with very little knowledge or understanding of girls and entered a world where the girls outnumbered the boys by at least 4 to 1, maybe more! In 3 years I learnt more than most of my contemporaries did in a lot longer. I also…
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Added by Roger Long on January 14, 2012 at 11:48pm —
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Maybe you know I have a lot of great stories with Trestle Press? Maybe you know that Trestle Press has no end of talented authors? Did you know right now Trestle Press is doing a Buy One Get One Sale?
So here is an economical way to get started or get caught up:
Mark Miller's One - a spiritual anthology…
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Added by Mark Miller on January 14, 2012 at 11:06pm —
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Starting today, Saturday January 14th through Sunday, January 22, 2012, Trestle Press will be having a
All of our titles are part of this sale, all of our authors will be participating in it, and all you have to do is when you purchase one of our stories send us the proof of purchase and we will be happy to send you the title of your choice that is of equal value.
You can email us in one of three ways; send the proof of…
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Added by George Michael Loughmueller on January 14, 2012 at 6:23pm —
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Chapter 6 of Reprisal, Sugar and Snails, will be released this week. My publisher, Trestle Press, is also starting another great sale this week. If you haven't started Reprisalyet, you can get all 6 volumes for the price of 3!
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Added by Sam Lang on January 14, 2012 at 5:57pm —
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Fetish Complex
Swimming in unconsciousness, I relived every moment of my useless life: the somber childhood, the long periods of solitude and loneliness, the recurring rejection from jobs and people, and the two abortions. They all led me to this place of helplessness which forced my hand into this action. When I come up for air back into reality I feel cold, but I’m surrounded by something warm and wet. I’m beginning to accept the fate that I choreographed for…
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Added by Ebony Iman on January 14, 2012 at 3:03am —
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For anyone interested in a spooky story on this ominously superstitious day, my book, "The Seventh Soul" is on sale for 99 cents on Amazon (, B&N (, or you can check out my website at for more information!
Reviews have been great, and this process has been exciting, to say the least!
Writing is not a job, it's an adventure!
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Added by ML Harveland on January 13, 2012 at 7:06pm —
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I've been trying to write an insert for the fourth book of my Knights of Camelot series. I'm a few thousand words short of my ideal novel length and there are places which need more detail. I began something last weekend and doodled about until I reached just over 2,500 words when I realised it was rubbish. Utter drivel.
Just a little unfortunate, so back to square one and try to pick a better subject. Fortunately I have a friend who knows my world almost as well as I do and while we…
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Added by Sarah Luddington on January 13, 2012 at 10:34am —
I found while surfing the net. Have a great day!
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Added by Billy Foote on January 12, 2012 at 4:54pm —
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Added by Colin WR Chadwick on January 12, 2012 at 12:17pm —
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