Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
I love the squirrels on the cover of these stories, great stuff. But for me what is even better is the stuff inside. Cody Toye is a very talented author. He writes in many different genres and covers many different age groups. Right now he has in no particular order: The Toye Box Collection of children’s stories, Zorza the Alien a YA sci-fi series, Dribbles, and a new sci-fi series Intangibles. The last one is not one I would share with the little ones; it is dark and violent. My…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 30, 2011 at 11:56pm —
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The first anyone heard about this experiment was when I posted it here on March 22. In the last couple of days I have announced even more sales on Facebook so these three titles are getting a little more talked about.
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Added by Jonas Saul on April 30, 2011 at 8:13pm —
I have a friend and fellow author at Trestle Press, Cleveland W. Gibson, willing to step in and give his two cents on H.R. Toye’s newest release in The Debtor’s Chip series, Frederick. Cleveland is the author of the digital short stories Remains, Only The Best and the soon to released Indian Rope Trick. Personally I think this series is a winner, even though the characters seem like losers. Here is what Cleveland thinks about Frederick:
“The story 'Debtor's Chip' by HR Toye is an…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 30, 2011 at 6:11pm —
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Good morning on this fine Saturday. Maybe you think I am tired or not with it, but yes, this is the author’s name and the title: U.R. Mine/Cheers. It rolls off the tongue and is cute. Hopefully we will hear a lot from this author as I enjoyed the story. I want to get right to it so is what is between the virtual covers:
“Author U.R. Mine tugs at you heart and soul with this intense and touching digital short story. Have you been married? Are you married? Are you thinking of getting…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 30, 2011 at 4:58pm —
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Vampires, Vampires, Vampires. Are you getting the hint here? Laurie Bowler delivers a full length novel that is deep, dark and brooding. What exactly does she have in the pages of this totally moving and suspenseful tale of woe?
“Serena finds herself thrown into the dark world of the dead; her own maker had killed himself shortly after biting her. Leaving her unconscious and unaware of the monster she'd become, her only clue to his identity was the relic he'd left behind, the one…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 30, 2011 at 1:40am —
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I am surprised that someone actually had to suggest to me that I read this. I had read it, loved, and being the genius that I am thought I had already posted on it. But, low and behold, I had not .Go figure! I need to talk about this digital short story, because it rocks flat out. But let’s hold our horses here for a minute. Yesterday on my blogtalk radio show ,The G-ZONE, I had Big Daddy Abel on and we had a blast, going from one subject to another including getting into a debate on where…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 29, 2011 at 7:03pm —
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Hopefully I can get this right, because believe me I want to, on so many levels. First to just get this out of the way, this novel just flat out ROCKS! Now I have had the pleasure and honor of interviewing Paul Levine on my blogtalk show The G-ZONE last week. I know I mentioned this yesterday in my John Locke/Vegas Moon post, but the reason I point this out yet again is this: The guy’s voice, as smooth, kind and silky as it is, was in my head the entire time I was pressing the…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 28, 2011 at 7:01pm —
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Q1: Thanks for participating in our Spotlight Interview series! Please introduce yourself and your book to help our readers get to know you.
A: Thanks for having me. My name is Jeremy Vaeni. I’m fairly well known in ufology for exposing bad research practices and supporting those who, in my view, keep it honest. My new book, Urgency., is a real departure for me. It’s a book that isn’t meant to just be read. It’s here to fundamentally change…
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Added by SpotlightInterviews on April 28, 2011 at 7:30am —
It is with both pride and excitement that I announce the official release of the highly awaited "Passion in Paris: Directions of the Heart", the highly anticipated sequel to "Passion in Paris: Connections to the Past". This two part story surrounding star-crossed lovers, Joy Wychmere and Cullen Malone, is sure to sweep you to the festive streets of Paris, right to the middle of an unforgiving storm…
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Added by Rusty Blackwood on April 27, 2011 at 11:53pm —
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Hey, the guy keeps pumping them out and my Kindle keeps getting giddy with delight that he is. Truly amazing! I read a number of character driven series, but already, John Locke has secured a spot at the top of my list. He just keeps cranking them out, and they get better and better and better. But let’s put the brakes on this love fest for a minute and give you guys an update on a few things in the world of G. Tomorrow I am posting on Paul Levine’s Flesh & Bones, an oldie but…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 27, 2011 at 10:29pm —
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I just recently launched my book, “The Enemy We Know,” on Kindle, and it felt amazing. It’s the first in the Letty Whittaker 12 Step Mysteries and it’s taken me ten years, two agents, and countless revisions to get here. And, yes, it was worth it. A friend of mine recently told me that she didn’t think she could have been that patient. Yet, despite how long and hard I’ve worked to see my books in print, I am not patient.
I am stubborn, however, which is just…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 26, 2011 at 2:09pm —
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“You’ll learn, just keep on living.” Those were the words echoing in Lisa’s ear right now. At this very moment, the words her mother would tell over and over as she was growing up were being repeated over and over again, as if they were a favorite love song. She wished her mother’s voice would tell her what to do about the man that was standing in front of her with a gun. How could the man, who claimed he loved her, be threatening to kill her? How the hell did she get…
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Added by Author Laura Johnson on April 26, 2011 at 12:52am —
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Hello and welcome to Monday, and my usual State of theBlog weekly address! I am going throw in what is going on on the blogtalk show, The G-ZONE, also as there is going to be some serious fun and excitement this week also. To start with, please feel free to visit my new and exciting Author’s Page at Amazon:
Also feel free to…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on April 25, 2011 at 8:09pm —
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Added by halim abdelrahman on April 25, 2011 at 1:16pm —
Next week I am re-publishing Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male as "Sensitivity 101...The Search for Acceptance"
Many reviewers have said that by changing the title I will open it up to a new audience. The book is about the journey of self-discovery that a young boy takes after the divorce of his parents as he searches for acceptance and happiness.
Here is the new back cover-
Nana always said. “If you want people to remember you, you have to be a little…
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Added by Philip Nork on April 25, 2011 at 4:16am —
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Pit. Pat . Patter. Potch.The raindrops caressed the cheeks of the five year old and clung onto her like an old friend. She too smiled in glee, after all God did care about her. She looked with pity at her neighbours, who kept on changing everyday, who lived ,if it can indeed be called living, a troublesome beggar's life. They were not as lucky as her- they had a few possessions. She was not bound,- sleeping at different doorsteps in different neighbourhoods every time the abyssmal nocturne…
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Added by Kaunteya Ghosh on April 24, 2011 at 9:21pm —
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This is a totally personal interpretation of terrorist organisations based on observations, intelligence inputs leaked and newsreports.
A virus consists of the following components- core, coat around core, envelope,contractile tail sheath, base plate.
All terrorist organisations, like all major companies , have a central leadership whose efforts are vital for their survival- so vital that the CIA or Mossad believes eliminating them makes their organisation…
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Added by Kaunteya Ghosh on April 24, 2011 at 9:18pm —
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This note is in response to a friend's question- my vision of future india.
First i'd like to give my very own defintion of India or Bharat , as it was known by the sages of the lore- India is not a narrow strip of land separated from the rest of the world , but it is in every sense , the summation of every nation or individual or society ever known or imagined by man.Even in today's India you find the riches of the west, the humility of the east, poverty, culture,corruption,…
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Added by Kaunteya Ghosh on April 24, 2011 at 9:15pm —
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And his past charged again at him like a raging Catalan bull, and he could do little to move away- as meek a target he was, and quite drunk also- the malt of his memories made him febrile. He would wake up lusting to inhale badly needed air ,so that he could cling onto the real and save himself from getting drowned in their memories.They were his best friends....., and their death had left him bereaved, and all emotional beings.. he blamed himself for their death. But death and…
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Added by Kaunteya Ghosh on April 24, 2011 at 9:06pm —
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The dreaded words that I had feared for so long had finally been spoken. They echoed in my head -- hurting me -- tearing at my heart, ripping it apart, causing me pain like I had never known. The words were killing me just as sure as blood was draining from my body, but I knew if these words were really true my heart would stop and I would die long before my blood was gone,…
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Added by Rusty Blackwood on April 23, 2011 at 2:34am —
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