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Flat out I love this series. I know, the covers right. How hard do you think it is to find pictures of squirrels doing stuff? Remember they are not method actors. Dribbles is but a component to this intense and moving digital short story series put out by Cody “The Toyeman” Toye. The real action behind all this is those being displaced by greedy muck-mucks. Dribbles is but a tool, a foot soldier, in the fight to strike back at the Man. Cody Toye creates a chilling and at times all too real…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 20, 2011 at 9:00pm —
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jazz walked the streets, smiling at her peers. they were all angry. more then ever before.
she could see a group of boys carrying a bunch of weapons she's only ever seen in her dreams. she saw a bunch of girls with nails so long, they dragged along the ground, making sparks fly, all red.
she laughed out loud and many others joined her, making a type of music that no one wants to hear before they die. suddenly, someone came up beside her.
"Hello." he drawled.
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Added by Danny(jaxie) on July 20, 2011 at 8:30pm —
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These days, it's truly an exciting time to be a writer, and I'm enjoying writing as much as I do and then seeing it published.
There are so many reasons why I enjoy writing. At first it was only a hobby and something I decided to do suddenly in November 2009, and now I have found myself developing further with the plots and characters that I create.
Every day is a massive learning curve, reading reviews and hearing readers thoughts and feelings teaches me many…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 20, 2011 at 8:17pm —
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Added by Mark Miller on July 20, 2011 at 4:16pm —
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Hello again! Yes I am back from vacation and oh so happy to be back here in the blogosphere. Wait, no, retract that; I would prefer to be on the beach listening to the surf roll but since I am not independently wealthy yet, I need to get back in the saddle and back to work. Okay that cleared up, so there is no misunderstanding, and I am perfectly clear, let’s get ready to rumble. As a side note : yesterday was the first day back on the air with The G-ZONE, my blogtalk radio show,…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 20, 2011 at 12:38am —
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Added by Sam Lang on July 19, 2011 at 8:15pm —
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Like the clown cover? Yeah that is me. The clown element to this digital short story is just one component of the story. The real deal here is family, and what each other will do when the chips are down. It is very interesting dynamic here in a short amount of space, well composed, well defined and well plotted. Can one ask for much more out of a short story and $.99? I think not.
Here is the brief synopsis of “Disappearing Act”:
“When fugitive Kevin Markinson honors his dying…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 19, 2011 at 7:19pm —
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Hi Everyone!
So I gave my very first blog talk show interview a couple of weeks back. If you didn’t have a chance to hear it, you can go to:
I had a lot of fun doing it but I actually learned some stuff…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 19, 2011 at 2:58pm —
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Added by MIchael Czech on July 19, 2011 at 5:41am —
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The very first thing that strikes you about this book is the excellent cover designed by Giovanni Gelati of Trestle press and the author of the blog that has published this post. The author describes the concept of Drunk on the Moon as something he came up with after a few beers. However, those that know, Spinetingler award nominee, Paul D. Brazill’s work will know there is no need to worry about the quality of the story. Many people out there will recognise the title as a Tom Waits song and…
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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 18, 2011 at 7:49pm —
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The idea that a choice made in isolation will only affect the person making it is only valid if that person was alone in the world and had no established connection to anyone. Choices are very particular for the individual, but interconnected for the whole of society. Choices can never be made in isolation of others. This is so well established an idea that economist had to create a way around it…
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Added by Larry A Cochran on July 18, 2011 at 5:30am —
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Added by JB Sullivan on July 16, 2011 at 1:44pm —
When my arms embrace darkness
One can only think it harmless
Until pain is caressed
And death is undressed
With throes of sick lament
I passed through death, unkempt
Oh, there my soul rest!
I hear church bells
Atop the lonely tower
Ring cold death knells
For my blackest hour
Carnivorous ravens fled
Into midnight hours
Where salty tears bled
Upon funeral…
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Added by JB Sullivan on July 16, 2011 at 1:40pm —
Death's ebon dart
Flew with accuracy
Struck her heart
With adept mastery
Under Gibbous rays
She lay bleeding
Her memory sways
Her life fleeing
The battle raged
For wont of days
Only delayed
By her discovery
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Added by JB Sullivan on July 16, 2011 at 1:35pm —
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Q1: Thanks for participating in our Spotlight Interview series Rusty! Please introduce yourself and your book to help our readers get to know you.
A: Let me begin by introducing myself. I'm Rusty Blackwood, a self-published author of three titles to date and my fourth is expected…
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Added by SpotlightInterviews on July 16, 2011 at 5:00am —
Go over to my blog and take a look at my attempt to put some humor in a blog that's also trying to decide what makes for a good policve-procedural. Tell me what you think! Maybe even pull up enough of a nerve to throw your hat into the 'fan' page. Find it here:
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Added by B.R. Stateham on July 15, 2011 at 5:49pm —
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Added by MIchael Czech on July 15, 2011 at 5:43am —
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Why is it that I feel as if my family hates me?
Everything I say or do dosen't please them, and their always calling me retared, good for nothing, worthless.
Its hurts && me being young and bigger then the rest of the girls...I really hurts. I feel as if they hates me becuase their always hitting or calling me names. i try so hard not to made them mad but in the end nothing ever works.
I just wish I was prettier or smarter. I want to believe Im pretty. I look at…
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Added by Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX on July 15, 2011 at 4:23am —
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Added by G.G. Vandagriff on July 13, 2011 at 7:54pm —
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Hey Everyone! Just chiming in to let you know that WEEK 20 is up on the blog. Come celebrate a long standing romance, check out the history of cotton candy, and even learn how I deal with rejection! It's all on the JLB Creatives Blog. Hope to see you there! ~Janet~ Week 20 / JLB Creatives Blog
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Added by Janet Beasley - JLB Creatives on July 12, 2011 at 3:25am —
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