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September 2011 Blog Posts (138)

Review: The Two Johns

Once again, Mr. Gelati is rather generous with his words about my words. Today

he reviews The Two Johns. This is my first entry for Trestle Press's Author's

Lab series. I had an excellent time working with Giovanni and he had some things

to say about my work.

"Reading the work is like watching a skilled

mechanic go about his business..." from Gelati's Scoop.

You can read the

full review… Continue

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Added by Sam Lang on September 21, 2011 at 3:07pm — No Comments

Sam Lang "Two Johns" The Author's Lab/Collaboration series

I think you may have heard me say many times on my blogtalk radio show The G-ZONE that Sam Lang is: “one sick puppy”. Now I say that in the best possible way because what Sam Lang writes is horror, and he writes it rather well, maybe too well. He has a penchant for cranking up the tension, raising the suspense level and also for having a very dry, cutting sense of humor. When you combine all those qualities, I think that makes for some goose bumps and really good horror reading.…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 21, 2011 at 1:52pm — No Comments

Blue Blood for Life

Book 2 in the My Blood Runs Blue Series has officially been sent off to print!  Here is the final cover design.

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Added by Stacy Eaton on September 21, 2011 at 1:40pm — No Comments

Blue Blood for Life

The book is off to print!! It won't be long now before I will be holding my new book in my hands!  Here is the cover!



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Added by Stacy Eaton on September 21, 2011 at 1:39pm — No Comments

Darren Sant "Community Spirit" Volume 2 The Longcroft Estate series

Last week I was lucky enough to speak with Darren Sant, the author of “Flash of Revenge” and “The Longcroft Estate” series on my blogtalk radio show The G-ZONE.  I will include the link for that down below for you to enjoy. It was a nice interview and very telling. Why telling? For me it is very simple and the answer obvious if you get to know Darren at all: he is a really nice guy; his intentions are good, and he cares about his readers. Each of the digital short stories he has published…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 21, 2011 at 12:53am — No Comments

Query Letter

I've decide to seek out a Literary Agent. I'm posting my Query Letter with the hope that my friends will be brutally honest in their opinions of it.

(Hook -a one or two line catch

Facing a life of servitude after a friend’s betrayal, Blue Pergamum, sets out on a dangerous journey to find the father that will protect her, while unwittingly falling into a vengeful plot to destroy him.


(Book-150 words summing up the story)

The doting…


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Added by K. L. Parry on September 20, 2011 at 7:39pm — No Comments

Robert Ford "Love Stories" from The World of Hek series & a Quandry

A very interesting thing happened on the way to getting this novella sized work published: we could not get a consensus on the cover art. What do I mean by that? The story goes like this: I made two covers for Robert Ford to select from, and he liked both of them; he really couldn’t decide. The decision was made to put them up on our social networks and see what you the people thought about them, maybe something would shake out. Nothing did but great comments. It was split 50% to 50% after…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 20, 2011 at 7:17pm — No Comments


Imagine being in the University-having slept early only to be woken up by that annoying alarm-that is to rouse your room mate, who's snoring like she lives in a world without sound!

Just when I thought my day wouldn't get crazier-I had to do laundry because the Hostel caretatkers-play around with the taps, so we get water once or twice a week!

Then...I read an interview that was…


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Added by Dora Achieng Okeyo on September 20, 2011 at 5:24pm — No Comments

That's Not My World

I have to admit that I was jealous. I felt it right away when I heard the news. I heard it multiple times from multiple…


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Added by Jonas Saul on September 20, 2011 at 12:16pm — No Comments

The Abduction!... A new free to read sci-fi story by Chuck Keyes...


The Abduction!

A short sci-fi story by Chuck Keyes



          "Caprese, did you enjoy the movie?" Kurt asked while firing up his new pickup's engine.

          "Yeah, it was a fantastic remake. More than once I've watched 'Them!' on late night satellite, and even…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on September 20, 2011 at 2:24am — No Comments

When You Least Expect It...

...I'm right behind you. As is the case with my latest release, The

Two Johns

Now available

from Trestle Press, the latest installment of the Author's Lab Collaboration

Series, comes The Two Johns by Giovanni Gelati and Sam Lang.

I have… Continue

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Added by Sam Lang on September 20, 2011 at 12:27am — No Comments

B.R. Stateham "Three Deadly Sins"

Keeping up with the “Call Me Smitty” series has been a real pleasure for me. I guess that is a funny thing to say about reading about an assassin or hitman right? The pleasure in it is not the carnage and death, the ethical questions it brings up, the constant ponderings as to whether Smitty is a good guy or a bad guy, but in the ability of the author. B.R. Stateman’s unique ability to craft a story, to draw me in, to get inside my head and make me ask those questions time and time again.…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 20, 2011 at 12:18am — No Comments

Marketing: Luck or Good Judgement

I’ve been pushing my book down various avenues in the last few months and overall been quite disappointed with the results. Everything in life is a learning curve and it does take a while to see what gets results and what doesn’t.
Here are some of the things that have brought success and what hasn’t.
1)      Book Signings – This was tricky at first but now worked out the secret to getting this right. First thing I’ve learnt is that book stores like to do signings…

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Added by Steve Norris on September 19, 2011 at 11:23pm — 1 Comment

Some They! Pictures...


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on September 19, 2011 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Another Anniversary Reached and one Totally Intense, Insane, Incredible, and Important Giveaway! Every Trestle Press Author wants YOU as a reader!

About 6 months ago I had a caller, Katherine LaHart, on my blogtalk radio show The G-ZONE call in and suggest that I do a collaboration. Personally I was floored; really, this was the last thing that I thought anybody would ask me that day. I sure didn’t wake up with that thought on my mind. Since then we, various authors and Trestle Press, have produced 22 installments of the series covering just about every genre possible except romance. Let’s face it, with names like Harry Balls, Peter…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 19, 2011 at 2:05pm — No Comments

One of my short stories- The Funeral

In this story, i'm sorry for all of the spelling and grammar mistakes. When I am in the moment and writing my best works, i dont care, i just write. Thank you for taking the time for reading! i really appreciate it. This is The Funeral:


"Sweetheart, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied after being broken out of my daydream. In truth I was not fine. A million different emotions roiled in my body. I didn’t understand. My mind won’t let me understand. If it did…


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Added by Essence on September 19, 2011 at 1:58am — 3 Comments

My First Book Signing Event

I recently attended my very first book-signing event. It took place at Waterstones bookseller in Crewe, Cheshire in the North of England. I did not know what to expect so I was faintly nervous but approached it with an open mind. I would surely sell some books, even if no one came specifically to see me. I had been publicizing it widely in local newspapers and on the Internet so I was hopeful.


As it was, I sold 6 books. This may not sound like a lot, but for an unknown author…


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Added by Catherine Green on September 19, 2011 at 12:12am — 4 Comments

Suzanne Woods Fischer & John Raab of Suspense Magazine headline a great week of blogtalk radio on The G-ZONE

Another great week of guests coming at you this week on The G-ZONE:

Monday 3pm EST- Suzanne Woods Fisher makes a return visit as we discuss her newest release “A Lancaster County Christmas ”.

Tuesday 8pm EST- John Raab, CEO and Chief Editor of “Suspense Magazine” stops by to chat.

Weds. 1pm EST- William Tooker, author of the horror series “Slouching Towards Bethlehem” drops in to tell us what is around the corner for him and to talk about all things…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 18, 2011 at 8:00pm — No Comments

J.E. Seymour "Pale Horse"

“Pale Horse” is not a story that has anything to do with Native Americans, no, instead it is the beginning of a new detective series from J.E. Seymour. Tracey Greene is the reluctant private investigator and she knows horses and the stables. That is a good thing because almost the entire digital short story is set in and around a horse race track in New Hampshire. As I read the story I could smell the stables and hear the horses, well at least those that were alive.

Tracey Greene is…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 18, 2011 at 6:22pm — No Comments

Look who I ran into

Ran into these goats as I making my way around the city. They were being taken to a goat market, at Allsopps-wonder what they thought of me?

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Added by Dora Achieng Okeyo on September 18, 2011 at 2:22pm — No Comments

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