Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
I hope you all enjoyed Diving into the Guest Blogging Pool, Part I and I've whetted your appetite for Part II!
Last time I talked about two of four common reasons some haven't attempted guest blogging: "I don't have the time" and "I don't know what to write about."
Now let's look at the remaining two.
"I'm scared I'll be rejected."
Aren't we all! While there are no guaranteed 100% foolproof ways to prevent rejection, you can minimize the possibility. If you followed our previous discussion, you already have done a great deal towards that end. Let's recap a little.
Have you played detective? Check.
Have you read the submission guidelines? Check.
No really, have you read the submission guidelines? Double check.
Have you selected and written about a suitable topic? Check.
Have you reread the submission guidelines? Triple check.
Seriously, this is where many guest bloggers fall down. Don't make the mistake of submitting it incorrectly.
One final step before letting your guest blog post loose: spellcheck it one more time. Don't rely solely on automation here. Ask a friend to proofread it for you. Satisfied? Good. Blog owners can and do reject posts for spelling errors. It's an important step.
Okay. Now you're ready to send in your article.
"I don't know how to approach a blog owner."
Yes you do! You've read their submission guidelines. Take a deep breath and just do it.
Many blogs that accept guest blog submissions require that you email it to them. When you do so please be polite, friendly and professional. Ask the blog owner to consider your article for publication. Don't demand it or assume it will be accepted.
Dear Kay,
Thank you for your fabulous series on Guest Blogging. As a blog owner, I had to smile when I was reading your section on rejection (i.e., guest bloggers not submitting articles due to fear of rejection) because, the flip side of that is blog owners hesitating to put out an open call for guest bloggers for fear of having to reject a post for not meeting that blog's quality standards - and hence, potentially alienating readers/followers.
A guest post, when done right, can be a win/win for both the guest blogger and the host blog. I look forward to participating in both sides of the process in the upcoming year!
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