You know what really scares me
Still now at the age of forty one
Is being all alone and unable to see
There’snowhere leftto go, nowhere left to run
You know what I am afraid to feel
Is sickness, or any form of pain
Aging is a process, a part of the deal
But what if the first to go is my memory, my brain
You know what I don’t want to lose
The chance to amend many a wrong
To die without sharing, thoughts I’ve used
To share regret, to honestly be strong
You know what I worry about
Never knowing what it’s like to live clean
Even for one week, without any doubt
Willing with the desire, as part of their team
You know what I don’t want to have to do
Is stand in mourning over someone I care
To have to accept the loss of more than a few
More death seen to early, or tragically unfair
You know what I can’t handle not seeing
My own little dream, and I’m running out of time
To give my heart, which belongs to all their being
And show them as always, they have been truly mine
You know what I was shown Thursday
How true loss really and deeply feels
To cry so hard breathing hardly could I keep
Where denial is the only way to deal
Fears, part of the deal, so I am learning

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