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Magic is free

I am sure I can taste what a prose could be

Seems anything a dreamer dreams it to be

Such beauty I read in pain

Such inspiration I discover in vain

Magic is free

Do you believe?

You must commit

Or live without imagination

Lock up your child side

And live knowing everything

Has a price tag to it

What is my point?

I point at you

If just once I could wave my wand

To give all of you hope

To share my need inside that breeds

Which must be maintained

Through forgiveness

And yellow marshmallows

Simple see you already know

If all we ever did do

We could change our abyss

With sincerely of being nice to one another

I will not respond to logic

But will respond to magical efforts

Regardless of size

Size I disregard

Critical to remember we do not own time

I know I am not of special status

Yet status and undefined character is special

P**** willows help also to expose my child

I process things in my mind

Like film before it is developed

I care so little of my labels

But wish to mend yours

I am unaware of your pain at this moment

Then I shall assume nothing but complexity

Our magic awaits a master, a leader

But can only breath with passion and desire

Patti cake Patti cake bakers man

Will you help the most you can?

Patti cake Patti cake bakers man

Open magic and touch who you can

Patti cake Patti cake, your magic awakes

Do you have to define differences between magic and miracle?

Can you let the cards fall where the must?

Do you recognize magic and even seeing it

Do you embrace it?

Is it a trick or illusion

Could there be forms of reality

We may be to fearful to embrace?

I ask you only from my own child

Do we create magic or can it be self reliant

Is magic defined by the importance of it's stratey?

Maybe it's shock value

A child starves to death

magic or miracle?

A child lives

Miracle or magic?

Must I define and categorize everything two 2 only explanations?

Imaging a world now, where I choose to reside

Aware of power and magic

Operating as second nature

If you live through all the pain

You will be gifted with this inspiration

You mock me but read

Why the secret when we all got made the same?

There are buckets of melting snow in the garage

Are you a remedy?

Collapse the facade and release your magic

I have and am no longer bitter, just better

I hate repetitive explanations just as here

If you will not be open to a dimension of magic

You shall never grow, reveal nor change

Your words of methods show

scepticism doesn't last long they say

It will come out of you if you give it time

Your still asleep and that's okay

your just accumulating more magic

The strongest magic of all

To ammend past judgements

and forgive ones received


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