Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Q1: Thanks for participating in our Spotlight Interview series, Borislava! Please introduce yourself and/or your book to help our readers get to know you.
A: I consider myself a writer by soul because, although I have been working as a recruiter in the field of Human Resources for years in my free time, history and writing are the important passions of my life. I love interesting stories and legends. I love adventures that take us through the ages and help us to experience countless earthly and celestial places. I love Sofia, Sicily, Istanbul, Rome, Seville, and London. The towns are like museums under open sky. I like discovering these scenes of legends and secrets, history, journeys, culture, and ancient remains.
Q2: Please explain how you came to be a writer, what inspired you to write your book(s) and how long it took.
A: Inspiration depends on the plot. For my first book, the young adult adventure “The Starlight Prince” I was always curious about the comparison between our Milky Way and the other galaxies. I wondered what would be a usual day for us at the neighbor Sagittarius galaxy if we lived there. And the opposite, if we were Sagittarians, how we would feel starting a journey to the unknown planet Earth? How would a starry boy feel if he fell to the Earth and what would be the mix of the past, present and future of our world for him? With my love novella “The Last Secrets of the Ancient Island”, the island of Sicily had always drawn me, and with Somewhere Around Us I am going there again. With “A Love In a Time of War”, Sofia and Istanbul and the story of the two neighbor people were my great inspiration.
Q3: What did you enjoy most about creating this book?
A. I enjoy most being in the company of my characters. I would love to meet them in real life if it was possible. I would not be good in describing Hannibal Lector. But for the starry boy and other heroes I am thankful to my imagination because it had created them. They have been my very friendly company during the long and sometimes boring hours of writing.
Q4: What facets of your life, both personal and professional, are woven into your book, if any?
A. I put in the stories my passion for history, for mysteries, adventures, for the great love…
Q5. How did you get published?
A. Till you find someone to believe in you and your works you may feel both hopeless and bored. The easy roads were already occupied and for me there was just one road left, the more difficult one. One day I have found Rose Heart Publishing and I am glad to be their author!Q6: Did you have any surprises or hiccups along the way during the book writing and/or publishing process?
A. No.
Q7: What one thing did you wish you'd known before you started this project?
A. Nothing ends with the end of the story. When the last sentence is written, the pages are wrapped with beautiful covers in warm colors and you take a deep breath that everything is behind you… for the author the difficulties just start. She or he must put tremendous efforts to overcome all obstacles on the road to the readers. Writing isn’t an easy process but finding a publisher, touching the readers is no simpler at all.
Q8: You're a fly on the wall when readers are discussing your book. What would you hope to hear them say about it?
A. I hope they would love my heroes and stories.
Q9: Tell us one thing about you that most people don't know or would surprise them.
A. My passion is time traveling; unfortunately, it is possible only in my mind.
Q10: What single piece of advice would you give new authors?
A. Don’t believe in rejection letters! You may write a nice story and if someone, if many ones reject it, don’t give up your thirst for writing. When one loves to do something - to climb mountains, to play a game soccer or to write - he or she just does it because of the pleasure and despite the result. Of course, there is also thought about success in everyone. I am sure there are many talented people, who have what to say, to give to the readers but no one literary agency or publisher would like to afford their books a chance. In recent days Internet changes it a bit and I hope very much it is for better.
Q11: Share a short summary of a typical day in your life with us please.
A. Oh, being a professional HR I need to steal some free time to be a writer as well.
Q12: Describe where you do most of your writing. What would I see if I was sitting beside you?
A. I always have paper and a pen with me. I collect stories that impress me, the ones that I would not forget for a long time. Loving historical themes I also need strong research before I would be able to sit down behind my laptop because I like to be very accurate in historical references. Therefore I can never say “I have written it for a few months” because much time before the beginning I am used to taking some notes about heroes, dialogue, scenes that come in use in the process of writing. Usually a story “lives” in my mind for several years and all it starts with the notes on the papers, which I take out one day with the thought “I am ready to write it’ and turn on my computer.
Q13: What's your motto or favorite quote you like to live by?
A. It isn’t a single motto but a book: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Q14: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us in closing such as your website, an imminent book launch or what you're working on presently?
A. My second book Affairs of the Heart is newly published. It's comprised of two novellas, the contemporary love drama "The last secrets of the ancient island" and the historical love drama "A Love in Time of Wars".
"A Love in Time of Wars" comes a turn of Twentieth Century love story. Scenes of passion, hatred, love and great efforts for changes in peace affect everyone’s life of two warring nations. Differences abound in cultures, religions, languages, traditions and so on, for a young Bulgarian girl and a Turkish officer trying to overcome the obstacles between them. The wars become the past, the past becomes history and through the years only love is still alive in a very beautiful tale to remember.
"The Last Secrets of The Ancient Island" is a story about loneliness and the fears of loneliness that can change our world with the same strength as strong love or hatred. A series of mishaps in an old town drives puts each main character under suspicion. An unknown driver has a tragic motivation to take another life. At the end, with the unveiling both of him and the last mysteries of ancient sights unexplored in full by historians and archaeologists, it will be also clear that we were born alone, we die alone, but life is our chance to live in love. If possible… If we so wish.
Thanks for your time Borislava! Please share this Spotlight Interview with friends and fans by linking to it, Tweeting it, Digging it, sharing it on Facebook and generally shouting about it anywhere you can.
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My great thanks for your interest in my writing, for your warm words and wishes!
My publisher Rose Heart Publishing prepared the cover of my two books, the young adult fiction "The Starlight Prince" and the newly "Affairs of The Heart". I am used to receiving compliments for their perfect job on my Facebook wall and Goodreads.
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