Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
One of the main reasons for writers block can be described with just one word...DISTRACTIONS! And we all have them because "life" happens. Modern convenience and technology is a catch 22 situation because along with the ease of computers, microwaves, and iphones, we have complicated our lives with bombarding our "to do" lists with so much STUFF that we refuse to slow down. So at the end of the day when the kids are bathed and put to bed, your brain has short circuited and you just want to pass out because the creativity you had, left with the dishes and the laundry.
Don't get me wrong, taking care of work and family is top priority, but you want to get that word count up and finish your (first) or next best seller right? But it's difficult with all that is happening in your life right now and you can't wrap your head around your story. Along with being tired and frustrated you start to find excuses why you have to put off your get where I'm going with this.
Guess what? There IS light at the end of all that laundry list of stuff to do, and it's as simple as this....CHANGE YOUR MIND about how and what you really want to do. "You're nuts! Don't you understand what I have to do?" Of course I do :) So, let's do this together. Take 10 minutes, about the time you have your coffee and check your emails, and instead of the emails, make a short list of what you do during the day. From getting up, to going to bed. Now, take a hard look at what is priority from one to ten. Hang in there, we're going to figure this out. How many things on your list can be prepared the day before? How can you streamline your list to include a few minutes of YOU time? Instead of watching tv, read a book, or take some notes about that story in your head that needs to come out. While you're in the car waiting for the kids to get out of school keep your pen and paper handy, or whatever device you use. I hate to admit this, but I spend a lot of time logged in to my favorite social networking site. When I realized how long I spent on there, when I needed to be writing....well, I had to log out, sit back and refresh my brain and actually added to my story.
So many things we have going on are nothing but distractions, however, have you sat down and took a look at what was REALLY necessary and what wasn't? You have more time than you think if you take a few minutes to analyze your schedule. Sometimes what you need to do is just go outside for five minutes and look around at the flora and fauna :). When you go to your fave coffee place, don't go in the drive-thru, GO INSIDE and sit down for five minutes. Small things you modify will refresh and reset your thought processes.
I want to encourage you today, to realize that the love you have for your craft can and will be accomplished if you make it so just by "tweaking" your thoughts and your schedule. Accommodate YOU, and even if you write your book five minutes at a time, you've taken a step forward. Change your thoughts, and you change your is that simple.
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