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Your ego has no halo


Why when you get laid do I get screwed?

And your always dressed, while I blush nude

Newsflash, Your ego has no halo

Her friends are all men

Seems again and again

No key to their vault

It just wasn’t her fault

She was too needy

Cared not for those greedy

Aced crossword Puzzles

With inked letter bubbles

Angels accept cash

Shorter lines do get fast

True colors seem dull

Staring at stilled seagulls

She does not exist

Or so she’ll still insist

Scene selections read

While union jobs are dead

Magic Wand hard core

The one tool she adored

Her hands are tied tight

She refuses to fight

A chuckle to laugh

Cheeky smirks just in half

I’m headed somewhere

From here and everywhere

Dragonflies in seas

Firefly bumblebees

Reader Discretion

Advised to perfection

She a puppeteer

Strings were her biggest fear


From means she created

She directs Opal

Three toys in total

They may not be real

But she knows that they feel

Wood and fake faces

Drunk and so wasted

String master unseen

Talents seemingly obscene

The insanity

Professional vanity

After a while past

Time turned quick and fast

Remaining unseen

She then could twirl her dream

Puppets and not dolls

Sculptures not stupid balls

It’s the innocent

That want us to invent

Sick really sick

These wooden sticks

Varnished and painted

Cracked and sainted

Trust me lay low

Cause your ego got no halo

You fool your halo has the ego

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