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Hi Folks,
As I am nearing the end of the rewrite for book one I am looking for a new title. The book is about the Land of Dreams and is a children's fantasty adventure book (8-12). The series is the Everlasting Fantastical Adventures and the options we are currently thinking of for the title are
The story is about a troll and his journey from loneliness, (and his life as a nasty creature, influenced by a strange cat who is more thatn she seems) to finding the first friends he has ever had. The backdrop is Elannah, Sam and friends' (such as Rodger the Badger) visit to the Great WIzard's (Grumphspawn's) magical fireworks display .
Anyone have any suggestions/advice?
or another possible one
5. Moonlight Shadows
I think the Twelve-Toed Ugly Troll sounds good!
I am also thinking of another one...
Entralling the Troll ... or somesuch
You've suggested four. Too few. Brainstorm some more and as you are writing a middle grade novel what about giving the Troll a name. Then work out a title based on the name. What is the conflict that leaps from the Troll's brain? The reader has no idea. But might the conflict tie in with the name of the Troll.
Take a look at the 'Hook' if you've drafted the first sentence on the first page of your book. Hope there is no prologue, especially when it is not needed.
Keep the title simple, easy to remember, and better still easy to remember and ask for in the shops.
Here is a thought. If this is the first book in a series simply use the name of the Troll. Then study some edgy song titles. Often sparks will fly when you begin to create.
Good luck and list all the new ones you've thought of. The more feedback or fuel for feedback you offer has to be better than rations.
Good luck
Thanks for your suggestions, food for thought. We have gone through dozens of possibles but nothing is yet that standout title that will tick all of the boxes. Now we are also going to breakdown the story again and make sure all components are in place, if we shake the tree hard enough a ripe apple will fall.
Cleveland W. Gibson said:
Good luck
Hey I can tell you are working on the problem. Hang on in there. Me? I had to write out 44 titles before I settled for one. But a good title is a good title, is a good title. Remember 'Gone with the wind?'
Best wishes
Thanks for the encouragement, Cleveland. Yup thrashing away at the issue, using all the tools at my disposal. I like the task, even if it takes me a while to get there. It really helps to focus what I am doing, not just with the title of the book and how to marry it to the audience but also as it helps put in perspective why I am doing what I am with the writing.
So I need a title that will be simple, memorable, accessible for younger minds and encapsulate the essence of the story in as few a words as possible ... oh and be able to stand the tests of time so in a hundred years others will say, I wish I could have come up with a title for my book like ... LOL
Yes I do like that name, but will it really work as the title of the first book of a twelve book series that will draw the readers into my world of writing?
Callie Leah said:
I think the Twelve-Toed Ugly Troll sounds good!
I think these titles might work: The Troll's Journeys To Another World" or "Journeys Into Another World." If it is about dream land then dream land is in another world. He is also making a journey from loneliness to having his first friends. Anyway, hope you find the title that reaches out and grabs your reading audience. Best wishes.
Another title might be "The Traveling Troll."
Hi Kathy
Thanks for all of your suggestions, food for thought, as they suggest a route I hadn't considered before.
Kathy Yvette Trivette said:
Another title might be "The Traveling Troll."
Well its gone back to the editor and she has worked her magic over the story.
Its amazing to see the true story beneath all the layers. The baby is now close to delivery and we shall announce her name in the fullness of time.
Thanks everyone!
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