Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Is your book self-published, Shanequa? If so, does it have an ISBN number? Libraries are tough to get into as they can be very restricted in what they can or cannot accept by their city council overseers. You could always call your local one and ask to speak with the head librarian. Offer them a complimentary copy and ask if she/he can advise you on how best to approach it.
Kay Elizabeth has an article at her site with tips on how to sell to libraries. They may help too.
You could always sell online via places like Smashwords too if you have it in ebook format as well. I believe some members here use that already. Please share your links to your blog and so on and we'll see if we can suggest anything from there.
Have you done any book readings or public speaking engagements locally? Does that appeal to you or not?
I would love to do some public speaking engagements and reading from my book but I am not sure how to go about setting any of that up.
my webpage is
my blog is on webpress and somehow I cant access it from my computer without logging on and cant find the computer is wierd.
I do plan to make it an ebook because I have heard it was a good idea.
But right now I am working on who can and will publish the book. The only taker I have right now for what I can afford is PublishAmerica which means that I need a lot more time to comb over the manuscript and make sure its perfect since they charge for editing.
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