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It is not the politicians that are at the root of our economic, moral, and educational decay in this country, it is we, the people. Until we wise up and learn from history that any nation that turns from God, sets aside their own Constitution (societal rules), and turns to greed crumbles and dies. The foundation laid here which promoted self-initiative, private determination, and Biblical moral code has been abandoned for a "I want what I want when I want it" mentality. We used to save for a large purchase, consider our children's future, and take care of our elderly who had cared for us. Now we use "credit" for purchase (killing our currency, which is no longer backed by anything of value), mortgage our children's future with outrageous national debt as well as our own, and warehouse our elderly (nursing homes) like studs and old mares put out to pasture.
When do we, the people, wake up to the fact that NO politician will ever fix that which only we can fix, a change in attitude?
Set my spiritual belief aside. Do you still take issue with the fact that what we are and have been doing is NOT working? Are you arguing that we, the people, do not need to change our attitude? Fact (about education): In the 1800s 5th graders read what 2nd year college students are reading. Our educational system is failing. We lag behind third world countries in math and science.
A 14 trillion dollar debt is not economically healthy. I am a Christian, therefore I believe we need that higher power/intelligence to help us solve the problem. WE DO HAVE ONE!
With love,
Well I'll tell you exactly what the problem is. We have two parties in one country, and instead of working together, they are both full of idiots that want to undermine the other party. The only way to make any progress is to punt out ALL non-independents, and anyone who dares try to stop it gets charged with treason. After that, we start taxing the rich harshly, slash the Hell out of the defense budget, take a chainsaw to the salaries of government workers, and stop giving aid to other countries that give little in return until that massive debt is sorted out. The ones we elected are incapable of spending money properly. Remember that bailout? They could have given $20,000 to every single citizen in the US and still have plenty of money left over and that would have fixed the economy overnight because loans would be paid, cards could be paid off, and there would be food on the table and houses bought.
PS, just in case you forgot, the founding fathers left Britain because of the Church having influence over government and were crystal clear that multiple parties and religion in government were a problem and they themselves were devout Christians
tl;dr: Praying will not fix problems man has brought onto himself.
Amen! on your 1st paragraph. The 2nd is in error. The founding fathers did not leave Britain. Those who did left because of Gov't ruling church, not the other way round; and taxation without a voice became the other great issue. Obviously, we are doomed to repeat history which we fail to learn from. Note: All, but one of the Founding Fathers were Christian.
I will continue to pray, not for the bogus leaders, but for we, the oppressed. OK? I will only pray for you if you allow it. Fair enough?
May God bless you,
Dr. Wade
Aries said:
Well I'll tell you exactly what the problem is. We have two parties in one country, and instead of working together, they are both full of idiots that want to undermine the other party. The only way to make any progress is to punt out ALL non-independents, and anyone who dares try to stop it gets charged with treason. After that, we start taxing the rich harshly, slash the Hell out of the defense budget, take a chainsaw to the salaries of government workers, and stop giving aid to other countries that give little in return until that massive debt is sorted out. The ones we elected are incapable of spending money properly. Remember that bailout? They could have given $20,000 to every single citizen in the US and still have plenty of money left over and that would have fixed the economy overnight because loans would be paid, cards could be paid off, and there would be food on the table and houses bought.
PS, just in case you forgot, the founding fathers left Britain because of the Church having influence over government and were crystal clear that multiple parties and religion in government were a problem and they themselves were devout Christians
tl;dr: Praying will not fix problems man has brought onto himself.
And bless you too.
A religious guy I knew that frequented a bookstore I went to years ago told me that this was his prayer. "Grant me a boon in my fortune and fortunes, so that I may in turn begin a family of good deeds that may prosper.", when I asked what he meant by a family of good deeds that can prosper, he explained it as his luck being him, and those he passes it to are sons. His prayer was for him to pass his luck down to others so that they could continue giving it to those below them. Odd way of praying when compared to the traditional methods.
Jesus actually taught against religiosity and man's traditions. I am not a traditionalist. Your "religious" guy was pretty close to the true teaching of the Bible. You will likely appreciate the fact that the bottom line for the country's decay began (as it always does) with false teaching by wimpy, politically-correct "pastors." Note that I did not call them "called" or Biblically correct. Gives the few who are real a bad rap.
The early "real" pastors were the men who (with a musket) led their flocks out of the church to take part in the fight for independence from the British. The smart thing they did and we should do is to set aside minor petty differences and unite in the common cause which you and I nearly thoroughly agree upon. In a democracy (and we do not have a republic anymore) the large mob will be heard if loud enough.
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