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Pink Asassin
  • Female
  • United States
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Love and Romance
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Breaking Dawn by Stephonie Meyer
Favorite Author
Stephonie Meyer

my poems that I like most

~~~~My Head Is Full of Dread~~~~
My head is full of dread
From something someone said
I hear a cry
I wonder why
I’m the only one to check on them
For no one else cares
I’m the only one who shares
My head is full of dread
Because an idea is dead
No one knows how hard I’ve tried
Or how much I’ve cried
Over those lost morals
“Do on to others as you’d have on to you”
Where has that gone to?
I always hear the same song
But I know those morals are near gone
I wish I knew what to do
But all I can ask is who
Could be so cruel
To someone they have never met
They don’t know they set
An awful trend
Every time they send
A hate filled message
Or say a hateful word
Like nerd
Or “failure”
My head is full of pain
For someone I know this day
Said something in this way
To an innocent girl
And our friendship was gone in a whirl
Spread no more pain
Let no more bullying stain
This lovely life we lead every day
Let’s all say
No more to cruel ways

~~~~Reaper and the Creeper~~~~
Reaper ,why is there a
Creeper at my door?
Dear reaper
Why is there a man
With a knife in his hand?
Please tell me
Why is it I
Who must die?
“Because it is your time”
But my life is not yet lived
“Yes it is. You have left your mark
Now come with me to the dark”
Everyone dies
And everyone cries
But it is what you do
That makes who
It is that is remembered
It is not how you die
But how you lived
And what you did
To others around you
This I know is true
Just ask the reaper
And he will tell you
All he knows of you,
And if you have been true
To those around you

~~~~If Love Were Easy~~~~
If love were simple
If love were easy
Then you wouldn't learn your lesson
Love with all your heart
And never look back
On the bad
There's already too much here
If love were simple
If love didn't break your heart
You might wonder why love at all
Those separations
Those heart aches
They are what make us see
What love can really be
And what it should never be
We learn to enjoy love while it's there
And move on when it's not
If love were simple
If love was everywhere
Than we could never see its true beauty
We'd never see how much better
It is than living without
If love were simple
If love were easy
We'd never really feel it
And it would just disappear
This doesn't make our aches fade
But perhaps it will let us look
To the future
Which might be brighter
Than anything we can imagine;
Hope and pray for love
But be not afraid when it ends
You may love again


Pink Asassin's Blog

For the writer who wants to learn a bit more about writing.

Posted on May 2, 2011 at 6:34am 0 Comments

This is just a quick shout out to those of you who, like me, know they need a little more schooling on the subject of writing before they actually write a book, and who don't really feel college is right for them. It may not be for everyone, but it's an option; right now I'm in the middle of taking Penn Foster's Freelance Writering course, and I have learned a LOT already.  Two of my family members have also done Penn Foster courses, and so I've seen that it's a extreamly helpful coraspondance… Continue

The Host(a movie?)

Posted on January 29, 2010 at 10:15pm 6 Comments

OK, I have heard from some of my friends on that The Host is being turned into a movie, and I was wondering if any of you knew whether this is true, or if you've heard anything about it? :) I've only read a bit of the book, but so far it's a genius work of story telling(just as I'd expect from Stephonie Meyer :]); it would be awesome if they really were making it into a movie! XD Man, it's such an acomplishment to have even one of your books be so populare that they make it… Continue

Comment Wall (7 comments)

At 5:49pm on January 29, 2010, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Pink Asassin! :) Welcome aboard. I’ll look forward to getting to know you better. I love it when new members jump right in! No need to be confused. If you need help, just post on the forum and a member will answer it that can help you out ASAP. :)
At 12:46pm on February 06, 2010, Mark A. Santomieri gave Pink Asassin a gift
At 6:33am on February 7, 2010, Kay Elizabeth said…
A warm welcome to you, Pink. is a great place to be and you'll not be able to stay away soon! Enjoy yourself. :)
At 7:24am on March 28, 2010, Jaison Paulina said…
I really like the poem as it tells somuch that we in general as individuals may tend to overlook. I am also a potential author whom have one novel completed. I am in search of publishers, but seem to be unfortunate so I guess I'd publish the book myself. Continue your writing as it is a good thing and the poem is stupendous.
At 8:25pm on March 28, 2010, Jaison Paulina said…
The novel is a compilation of poems and a 2-day experience. The book is a nice piece of work as I got a poems that will touch different aspects of people lives. No it was okay to have asked about the novel as its cool. I'd look forward for more good feedbacks and will give a poem for reading pleasure later this week. Bye for now.
At 4:10am on July 15, 2010, scribbler said…
Pink, don't let anyone dissuade you from writing. Everybody you know isn't everybody in the world, is it? Just keep at it and you'll keep improving naturally. Every writer writes and rewrites, even the most famous ones. Don't give up.

Forget about publication and opinions and everything else for a while and just write for the love of writing, okay? All writers go through this. You'll find if you do that you'll get back into your groove once you remember what you love about writing and come out the other side feeling inspired.
At 5:27pm on October 29, 2012, JM Benavidez said…

Hello Pink Asassin!

I'm new to and just wanted to say Hi! to other Romance Authors & Readers and see how they are liking this website. 

Happy writing!

~JM Benavidez

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