

United States

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The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
Favorite Author
too many to mention.

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  • Kristia Courtllyn Lovergirl♥

    That no issue. I speak english too
  • Kristia Courtllyn Lovergirl♥

    Hey, Ummm you told me to put it in english too. But...Umm I put it in french fisrt and then I pressed entere I dont know if thats the issue. But then I out the english, and it dosent show up.
  • Diana Monroe

    Thanks so much! It's really nice to hear that. :)
  • Xx~♥Beautiful Monster♥~xX

    ,,Ya I kinda figure tht Lol ok not prob
  • maria benton

    Hi Scribbler:
    You can learn lots about me if you go to my facebook group: Hunger Strike against Exploitation of the Brain Injured. I already have started my condensed bio/docu in the above group. Of course, it would take an author to turn it into a biography, which with my brain injury impairments impossible for myself to accomplish. Certainly would appreciate it if you could make all the author groups aware of my: Hunger Strike....etc. just in case a free lance writer would like to look at it.
    I welcome any comments on my group subject.
  • GD Thompson Sr.

    Thanks and ditto.
  • Katrina Kimberly Lee

    Thank you, I really apreciate the freindship given! I, too, would love to know more about you.
    Sincerely, Katrina. <3
  • Ima Umoh

    Hello scribbler, i will take you word on that (there being nice people around here), even though i've been reading books since i knew how to, i'm pretty new to writting, just discovered i can actually do it. i am about to brush up my first novel, it's a romance story and i had rejections from agent so i needed the company of people like you to encourage me and thank you for you mail.

    i live in Lagos, nigeria with my husband and 1 year old daughter, let's keep in touch, take k
  • verse

    Hi scribbler! Thanks for the welcome and I look forward to sharing my works and hearing and reading about others! I am very excited to start meeting people!
  • alex lieberman

    Hi Scribbler and thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to making new friends and learning some new writing tricks as well.

  • Jo Rodrigues

    Hi and thanks :) I was given the link today and thought I would come have a look. Trying to get published but not much success so far. Anyway, I need to get to bed. Will catch over time.
  • Margi Taber

    hey scribbler ... thanks for the welcome! I found this site by accident but I think I'm going to be glad I did! I'm helping a friend edit a book and was looking for resources ... this looks like an awesome site!
  • Jo Rodrigues

    Hi again and thank you for your offer to help. It is a motivational non-fiction collection of topics. It doesn't cover one specific topic but rather each chapter deal with a different subject even though some of them are inter-related.

    At this point in time the only option I am really looking for is for one that gets someone interested in publishing it. I have one or two fictional novels planned but I have not had the best of times during the last two years and have become somewhat demotivated.

    I did try to get an agent and tried all the ones in England that might be interested. I guess it is not the easiest thing to try and get a volume published during a recession. I got 5 interested in reading a sample and none felt it was obviously worth their while.

    I’m not concerned with being rejected as it is part and parcel of the process. I just wish I could spend less energy on trying to get it published and more on actually enjoying writing and working on the next one :)
  • Andrew Pinkard

    Hey Scribbler, nice to meet you. I'm currently working on my first book. It's a murder-mystery (serial killer). I have a real quick question: what steps do I need to take to use names, such as makes and models of vehicles? Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.
  • Lorraine W Hulse

    Thank you for joining my circle of friends.
    May God bess your work.
    Lorraine cares
  • Jo Anne Meadows

    Hello and thank you so very much.
  • Tkumah A&T&D

    You certainly have a way to make another feel special. Thank you so much. I am a exhausted and your comment was just as good as a ginseng drink...
  • Jennifer April Smith

    Oh, Denise Cunningham is my real name; Jennifer April Smith is just my Pen Name.
  • Caitlin A. Trevino

    Hi, I'm a new member of the Authors website. I am a little younger than my set age, I'm 11. I love books, and sometimes out of either boredom, or just wanting to, I write books, short, or long. When I joined, I saw you were quite popular! :) I decided to share something with someone like you, and I hope at some point we can share stories and I can send you my book ideas and shorts, if it's okay with you, of course.

    Please Message me, or reply on my comments,
    Caitlin A. Trevino

    ps. I like the way you have more than one author and how you like The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck :D
  • Catherine Richardson

    Thanks for the welcome...
  • judith barrow

    Hi, thanks for your welcome.I'm writing at the moment - I write for a few hours each day. Slightly older than Caitlin below -hmmm! - this is me :
    Judith Barrow BA MA
    I've been writing all my life on and off but this year had my first novel published - better late than mever huh?
  • Dawn-Marie Schafer

    Hi - thanks for the welcome. I am a teacher and write inspirationally for teachers. I am working on a book but it is slow going. I am just trying to get a little connected. Hope you are well.
  • Robert L. Allen

    Hi, thank you for your welcome, however I am having proplems figuring this out, so I hope we can talk when I do.
  • Robert L. Allen

    I'm not sure if I'm navigating corrctly on this, but thank you for your support...Robert
  • Robert L. Allen

    Hope you guys had a wonderful Thank'sgiving
  • William "Tristan" Berry

    Thanks a lot, scribbler. I appreciate the invite. I have a site established on Wordpress for my book. I like using it because I can protect individual pages with passwords which is key, I think for writers. This way I can let everyone read a few sample chapters but keep the rest protected for people I trust. I've heard a lot of stories just in my own writing groups about people seeing their storylines appear as the basis for episodes of TV shows, sometimes with the character names unchanged! So, soapbox concluded, I'm happy to be here and I've come across some great material here that I've enjoyed using. Chat at 'cha soon.
  • ss awasthy

    well i am ateacher and write for students. i am satisfied in the sense that my books have been recieved well by the academic community. well we will interact
  • alpinetandugon

    Hi, thanks for the warm welcome. I do need it for i am new here, i don't know if I'm on the right track..Hope I can be a family here.
  • susan ryant

    Thank You. Fastest I ever made a friend. Sue
  • Author Aleja Bennett

    Hi and thanks for the welcome. What do I do next?
  • Henry Stone

    I heard somewhere that I could be notified when my favorite authors came out with a new book. How does that work?



  • Author Randy R. Duke

    Hello Scribbler, Thank you for the kind words. It is a great pleasure to be here with such great people.




  • Marti Melville

    Thank you!  I look forward to becoming involved on this site and sharing ideas and experiences with fellow authors.


    Happy Holidays!

  • Grace Garebamono

    Thanks and compliments of the New season.
  • Linda Nelson

    Thank you Scribbler. It is nice to meet you.
  • Carol Bridgestock

    Hello Scribbler! Nice to meet you! 
  • halim abdelrahman

    hello scribbler, thank you for your friendly message, I hope that soon we will be able to get to know each others work better, I am sorry I didn't reply sooner, it was because I was a bit busy. thanks again for your message, please write back soon

     from you new and youngest (fourteen) friend, Halim.Abdelrahman   

  • Julieanne Lynch

    Hi Scribbler. Thank for dropping by my page and welcoming me. Nice to meet you. :)
  • Kayla Mullins

    hi scribbler thanks for becoming my frend

  • Ken Gabora

    Thank you :)
  • Kim Zimmer

    Hello :)  Thank your for the warm welcome!  I am pleased to have found what seems to be a very nice group of people, knowledgeable and friendly.  I am scanning the site to see where I shouuld post about me & what I am writing.  I assume there is a spot in my profile somewhere? 

    I look forward to meeting everyone and making some new friends :)

  • krystina june crim

    Red Ribbon
  • ronaldo carrera

    thank you for your kind welcome......,and i hope you could help me sometime in the future...,thank you again.
  • Jannie Marie DeBose

    thank yo usos much for the warm freindly welcome. I am not quite sur how this works and ai will need plenty of friendly advice. Once again thank You .
  • Jeremy Vaeni

    Thanks, Scribbler. Kind of you to write.
  • Laura Steele

    thank-you for welcoming me!
  • erma jane Young

    Thank you, looking forward to learning about this site.

    Red Ribbon
  • erma jane Young

    Thank you
  • erma jane Young

    Thank you, I'll try again.