Lisa R.Brereton


Orem, UT

United States

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For Young Readers
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How to...get to the heart of your own" (finding peace within)
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  • Linda McGovern

    Lisa, Sorry about my few misspellings in my comment before. I usually don't make mistakes.  Linda
  • Paul Sondergaard

    Hi Lisa, thanks for your comment. The reality is I am a real new kid on the block in terms of writing as a career. I have, in my previous career, written many papers and done a heap of research for that work, so it's given me some help towards being an author. I am still on my first manuscript and would be interested in what you have published.
  • Borislava Borissova

    Thank you, Lisa! Wish you every successs!
  • Gabrielle Bisset

    Hi Lisa,

    I write romance that has a paranormal slant to it.  My first book, Stolen Destiny, is scheduled for release by Siren-BookStrand in June. 

    Nice to meet you!

    Gabrielle :)

  • Jannie Marie DeBose

    Thank You I write poetry
  • Laurel

    Hello how are you?  and thank you. I like to write fiction, nonfiction, self help, scripts and poetry.
  • Wanda Lee Bobo

    Hi Lisa, I checked out your website and it is beautiful.  Your books will be such a blessing to anyone that buys them.  I will post it to facebook so others can check out your books at
  • Katelyn M. Jordon Jackson

    It is a pleasure to meet you ma'am and I will surely check it out thank you. Thank you for taking the time to inform me about your websites and such :) Much Love and God Bless <3
  • Gabrielle Bisset

    Congratulations on your books!  I hope they are great successes!


  • Katelyn M. Jordon Jackson

    Thank you I sure do appreciate it and not a problem :).

    God Bless


  • Katelyn M. Jordon Jackson

    Red Ribbon
  • Thomas J Ault

    I have visited you website and am pleased that you are of Christian faith and are living your dreams.

    I too, am a Christian, but unlike you, I have lost my first wife after 45 years and have found another, an angel no doubt sent to me by God. 


     I have written seven children's book, for age group 3-5 which are introducing my grand and great grand children to the great world we live in through the narration of my wonderful dog, Jake.


    I have also written "Every Hour Counts", the first of a series of books narrated by my 1879 Gilbert clock. The first book introduces great names of the past as they come to visit the clocks owners and has 38 historical facts interlaced through its contents.


    The last one published was a murder mystery entitled "The Incident" and takes place in Tampa Florida and Guntersville, Alabama.


    I am now working on a religious book bring to the forefront sixteen biblical characters that hopefully will interest people of all ages but directed at those from eight years to seventeen. It uses the

    " parabol principle" of description using those characters and relating to people today. A brief example is how all of us have our own "Goliaths" to overcome.


    YOu can view my books on, or at, or on my website

  • Carol Bridgestock

    Thanks Lisa for your website details. Great to meet you! We're very excited at the moment as our new publishers Caffeine Nights are not only re publishing our first novel Deadly Focus but also publishing our second in the series soon! We have written two more and they have asked to read them too with a view to publishing them! Just received the artwork for books one and two. :-) You can read more about us on there website or our own website


    Much love,


    Carol xx

  • william paul henderson jr

    currently i have a urban street fiction novel titled; A Set Up due to hit the stores around june/july of this year and i look forward to marketing it. Thank you for your sentiments as i look forward to corresponding with you.
  • Osie Jackson

    Got your comment, go to my web site at, as for my book send me an address and I will send you a copy.   Osie Jackson
  • Wanda Lee Bobo

    Hi Lisa, I sent you a friend request on facebook.  I also put this on Social Moms.
  • Linda Nelson

    Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for your interest in my book 'Friends of Choice'. This book is available in hardcover, paperback and digital format. It can be found on and Barnes & Noble.

    Independent bookstore can order a copy of the book for you too, in the paperback and the hardcover.

    The digital ebook is available in Kindle, epub and many other formats published through; found on Kobo, Diesel, Sony, and Barnes and Noble's Nook.


    Good luck with your work in progress.

  • Linda Nelson


    Thanks for asking... I currently have 5 works in progress. Three of these are half completed first drafts. Two of these works have completed Plot outlines. When I wrote 'Friends of Choice', I wrote by the seat of my pants.

    I recently discovered plot outlines and I have plans on making one for each of my works in progress.

    Currently I am taking part in a writing challange called Round of Words in 80 Days. This is the writing challange for the writers who have a life.

    You can watch my progress on this challange on my website blog:

    We are currenly in our second round. All are welcome to join us in this challange.

  • Laura Steele

    Hello, thanks for welcoming me!  I haven't actually gotten a book published, nor have I finished one completely.  Right now I'm working on a Fantasy type book and due plan on finishing this one (I have it all planned out).  I actually have the first two chapters up on a writing site called Wattpad.
  • Paul Sondergaard

    Thanks Lisa

    Yes, it took me a few years to follow my heart. I have bookmarked your blog and will stay in touch


  • Jannie Marie DeBose

    Thank you lisa. I wanted to know did you self publish with your book? I have been thinking about putting my poems in a book. I have been gathering them up and typing them into my cumputer. Keep in touch and I hope that your upcomomg book will be very successful.
  • Clarrissa Lee Moon

    Three series actually.

    The thing is World Castle Publishing pick up all my books just this week and they are being re-released with them.

    I am happy because apperantly i suck at marketing LOL

    Clarrissa Lee Moon

  • Laura Steele

    Thank-you Lisa
  • Ann O'Farrell

    Hi Lisa, Look forward to reading your Blog and thank you for getting in touch. Probably the easiest way to learn about my writing, and myself, is via my website I also have a FB group page.

    As an Irish writer the month of March was particularly busy (Saint Patrick's day etc) and two radio interviews I gave, that were broadcast on that day, can be found on www.tantalk1340     keep on writing.   Ann.

  • Augustine Etoh

    Hello Dear Lisa,

    Thank you so much my dear for your comments.I'm glad to inform you that the work is original in the sense that it revolves around a true event that I particularly witnessed.

     The main characters in that novel potray the real attitude of my late aunt and her husband.While I have used narrative technique in such a manner that reveals my natural sense of humour as seen in the book,almost all events happened.Except where I had to exaggerate for dramatic effect or to hide certain traits that are directly traceable to my real life characters.

     Hope you will find it interesting.

    It's yet to be published as I still need trusted publishers.

    With Regards.
  • Anna L. Walls

    Hello Lisa. I write fiction. Kings, knights and warhorses are my favorite but I also travel into space and to other dimensions. haha Pleased to meet you.
  • Debra Huenke

    Hi Lisa,

    It is a pleasure to meet you.  I am currently working on a thriller and write poetry, too. While I am not published, I am working toward that goal. I look forward to reading your blog. Many thanks for your note!


    Best wishes,


  • Ellen Ward

    Hi Lisa,


    Thank you for the greeting.


    I have not written anything myself – I love books and prefer helping Authors reach success rather than write one of my own.  It will be interesting to see if this changes over time.


    What does an Author’s Assistant do?  I can do so much, but I will attempt to be brief and concise.


    The Manuscript: help oversee and coordinate the process, organize source material, obtain necessary permissions to use the work of others, research potential publishers, fact check.

    Manuscript to Printed Book:  help in understanding the process and planning the budget/timetable; help coordinate and oversee the process; help find other professional resources like a book cover designer, typesetter, editor, indexer, proofreader, and copywriter; help in setting up a publishing business, getting the ISBN, help with printing and distribution.

    Book Marketing: help find professional resources - publicist, photographer, web designer, copywriter.


    Those are some of the services that are provided with some descriptives.  Other services include helping with traditional PR and internet marketing.


    I appreciate the privilege to provide this information for you,


    Best regards,


  • Clarrissa Lee Moon

    Sure thing! I am just about everywhere.

    oh you can view the new covers and find out about release dates at my fan web-site at

    and my blog at




  • Debra Huenke



    I am on Facebook as  both Debra Huenke and  Creatives Online.  I look forward to your friendship!



  • Barbara Hartmann King

    Hi Lisa,

    Nice to hear from you.  Yes, the novel Coloured Sands is based on true historical facts (early settlement) but the story is all fiction. It is the first of a trilogy (Coloured Sands Trilogy) set in central Queensland on a huge landscape around the beautiful Carnarvon Gorge area.  My website gives details of the three books.

    Cheers,  Barbara

  • Anna L. Walls

    I'd love to count you as a friend on Facebook Find me and I'll accept. You'll also find all manner of links there and on my fan page. See you there.
  • Augustine Etoh

    Hello My Dear Lisa,

    Honestly Lisa,you sound pretty good like an angel,though I feel strongly you are one.My dear, this happens to be my first book. I will only say that I'm lucky to have a flair for the pen; then the book got a good editor in the person of Mr.Kofi Akpabli who won the 2010 CNN African Journalist of the year award.(Culture and Tourism).

     The manuscript is ready for the machines to roll over it,but I am being careful.I have got offers here and there from Publishers in Nigeria and Ghana,but I want the best because its success will go a long way in shaping my mind and writing decisions.

     So,Lisa as an author,I will like to have words with you.Let's talk on facebook. Uzochi Etoh.please drop a note when adding me.

    With Regards.

  • Laura Steele

    Yes I do have a facebook, here is the link:!/
  • Brooklynn Macey Derryberry

    That be great to learn more about your books! Im so very sure they can help me. Any help, helps! (= What would you like to know about my writing?
  • Christine Koehler

    Hi Lisa! Thanks for the invite! I have an almost completed Romance novel, however, I've been diligently working on 2 screenplays. One is in the finishing stage and is a Family/Fantacy film about a Christmas Elf. I will be pitching it in Hollywood at the end of the month, so wish me luck! I DO plan on finishing my novel:)


  • Anna L. Walls

    See you there  ;-)
  • Augustine Etoh

    Thanks Lisa.You are an inspirational lady.Will be glad to meet there.
  • william paul henderson jr

    Hello Lisa,

    Thank you for the message. Currently i'm about to self-publish a urban street fiction novel titled; A Set Up, due out around June/July of this year. i'm excited as it'll be my first one with pt. 2 and 3 due later. i also have a romance/fantasy novel titled; Lost Letters......Thinking of you that i want to release later this year. i would love to read your work.

  • Jennifer Andrews

    Hi Lisa,


    Thank you for your message! I will check out your site. Well...mostly I'm here for inspiration. I feel like a 'fraud' as I am not published or anywhere near that stage - how Dear God I wish...


    No, I'm a bit (read: a lot) lost in life. Hopelessly stuck in a job I hate (and a profession), but relegated to remaining in it due to the enormous student loan debt (over $100k). It's terrifying and depressing. I don't want to be a negative nelly though! ;) Writing, reading, nutrition, baking, etc - they are all my passions.


    I freelance currently on the side for However, I really want to pursue my own creative writings or go into self-help about my own struggle with depression, and what I call a third-life "thrisis" (about to enter my 30's). But I don't even know where to begin...and of course proposals, manuscripts, contents all need to be near completed to get anywhere!


    The lack of time due to my job and having to earn money - there are only so many hours in the day - leaves with little time. I know, I know! Horrible excuse, but it's true for me right now. My spare time should be freelancing to make money. My "day" job also ''sucks out my energy and soul" (not to be overly dramatic of course :) ) - but yes, and leaves me rather dejected at the end of the day with little promise.


    So that's it. In a nutshell. I do blog: Baking N Books.


    And that's "all she wrote".





  • Laura Steele

    Thank-you Lisa! You take care too
  • Ann Rodela

    Hello Lisa.   I don't have a twitter account yet, so I don't know much about twitter.


  • Joanne Lewis

    Hi Lisa. Great to hear from you. I've been blogging but am only starting to begin to appreciate the wonderful people you can meet this way. I have written a novel with my sister called Wicked Good. It is the story of a mother and her teenage son who has aspergers syndrome (on the autism spectrum). It's on Amazon for the Kindle right now and will be available for other e-readers soon. We just learned our publisher will be releasing it in hardcover in June. That's very exciting. Our blog is I just posted a detailed update. I am going to check out your website now. Jo
  • Margi Taber

    Hi Lisa ... thanks for the message!  My authoring includes a couple of professional publications @ Addiction Professional and some blogs.  My current project is helping edit a book ... The First 30 Days to Serenity.   It's been an amazing experience and one that I have experienced so much passion working on!   The author (Super Star) and I are discussing co-authoring a book together after this.   It's very exciting.  Here's the website for the book:


    I checked out your website and sent you a FB request.  Nice site!  



  • Barbara Hartmann King

    Hi Lisa,

    Yes, I am on facebook. I looked you up. Best of luck with your new titles.



  • Ann Rodela

    Hi Lisa.  I am in the middle of writing my first novel.  It is a mixture of scifi/fantasy.  :)
  • Olive Peart

    Hi Lisa,


    Thank you for your message.  Please check out our site. We are offering great deals for writer. 

    In today world writers have multiple publishing option and ebooks are fast becoming a great option. DLite is offering free epublishing.


    DLite is also welcoming our new author - Rorry Nighttrain East. His book 'Two Ships Passing in the Desert,' will be coming soon.





  • Redhead Riter

    Thank you!
  • Brooklynn Macey Derryberry

    Yes, I am on facebook. I am not published. I'm only 14. But i do wish to become one of the few published teenagers of the writing world(: . The writings i do are mostly fiction-realistic fiction-fantasy-"realistic" fantasy(: Realistic fantasy probably isnt a real genre but Its somewhere along the lines of realistic fiction and fantasy. I write stories. I dont think they are ready to be called "books" or "novels" yet. Its a work in progress. Thank you for the link. I'll check it out right now. It may be easier to contact me on facebook. Im sorta addicted to it. I hope to hear from you soon again.


  • Rusty Blackwood

    Hi Lisa;


    Thank you for writing me, as well your interest in learning more about my work. Congratulations of your upcoming published titles, I very much hope they do extremely well for you. An author's work is so much more than merely words scratched on a piece of paper, pr typed on a screen, they are pieces of one's soul that is allowed to be seen. Some are more private that others, but each one is exceptionally special, somewhat like a child to a mother. I've always loved to write and express myself through written word, much more so than to verbalize my words. I became a serious writer in 2001 but I've never lost than feeling of anxiety everytime I put something out there before another's eyes. I look forward to hearing from you and exchanging words.